Saturday, December 15, 2007


Knotts Berry Farm is no longer Mr. Knott's Farm. Cedar Fair has taken over and slowly the things that made it Knotts are disappearing. The park is catering to young adults with fast thrill rides and I no longer meet that demographic!

Today I did decide to pay them a visit because I had heard there were two plays being given at the Bird Cage Theater. I used to love the Bird Cage and the melodramas that were produced there. But they have not put on plays there since 1997 except during the holidays. These past three weekends if you brought a new toy worth $10 or more for Toys For Tots, you were given a ticket for free admission to Knotts.

So this morning I took myself off with a new toy primarily to see the plays at the Bird Cage. Traffic and parking were really bad and Knotts was crowded to the hilt. But I did get to walk in to the Bird Cage Theater and once again sit and see a play.

The first one was A Christmas Carol. Only six actors (four men and two women) did the play with a minimum of props and scenery and it was very well done. They managed to convey the message of A Christmas Carol in 30 minutes. The gentleman who played Scrooge did a marvelous job; all the actors did. After that ended I went outside and got back in line to see The Gift of the Magi. It was the same set of actors except the man who played Scrooge. This play was shorter but also well done.

After the plays I walked around Knotts and took a few photos and ate lunch at the counter of Johnny Rockets. Below are some of the photos I took today.

The first sight to greet me as I entered the "back" entrance on the West side of the park was construction. They have taken out the large bird cage that was here and the Ranger station which was really an old school house that had been made over into a nature center and run by a very nice woman. I later found the Ranger Station around the corner. Much to my relief it had been relocated and refurbished and the same woman is in charge. She told me that a new ride is going in, something called run a way stage coach (or something like that). I was just happy they kept this place so kids and can see insects up close and personal.

Next I made my way over to the Bird Cage theater. I had plenty of time to wander around the area until the first showing of A Christmas Carol at Noon.

This is the stage

The play took place mostly in Scrooge's office. The window was also used for the inside of the Cratchit's home with a curtain covering the words Scrooge and Marley.

This board in the corner lists the names of the characters and the actors who play the parts.

The next play
The set for this play
After the play the actors came out for photos. This is how they were dressed for Gift of the Magi. The actor who played Scrooge in the first play was not part of this group.

Some shots from around the park. I tried to take pictures of what I consider to be Knotts.

I took this shot to show that this is all that is left of Reflection Lake.

This Panda Express is going in across from the log ride. This area used to be a shooting gallery.

Can't visit Knotts without going into the old schoolhouse.

An interesting day. Sad to see the Knotts that I remember slowly disappearing but glad that I got to see two plays in the old Bird Cage Theater.

Now, just for fun, I have uploaded a video (never done this before) of the steam train that goes around the park.


Anonymous said...

It does look crowded but you got some good pictures, and the train video cam out fine. Knott's just isn't the same anymore and it really shows. I am glad they did put some stuff like the Ranger Station back. They are taking out just too much that made this place unique.

Laura Ellen said...

Hi Irene!
I'm trying the comment thing from the Dell one more time. I still like Camp Snoopy!

Laura Ellen said...

Hey It Worked! It has never worked before.