Here are a few photos I took on December 20th. Three of the kittens are now in the house in the evenings. Jade is able to spend the night indoors without incident. We tried letting Tom and Peachy stay in also and for two nights it was fine but then the third night either Tom or Peachy (we suspect Peachy) had multiple accidents on the carpet (messy ones not solid if you get my drift). We do have a liter box but I don't think it is the right kind of liter. Jen bought some pellet things from Trader Joes. I think it needs to be the more standard, sandy kind of liter which I am going to buy today and put in there. So before I go to bed I put Tom and Peachy out. I hate to do it because of the cold but they do have a warm place in the garage to go and lots of fur, but I still hate to do it. I am not mentioning Huck because he is still afraid and only comes in the house briefly in the day time to check out the food situation. I wish he wasn't so skittish.
Sometimes they eat in the kitchen. Jade is in the middle not sure who Tom or Huck is in this photo.
This is standard procedure in the morning before I go to work and at night while I am on the computer. As a matter of fact this is exactly how things look right now as I write this!
1 comment:
That picture cracks me up. I can't believe you can type like that. That is one snuggly cat!
Hope going to back to school is going smoothly.
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