Thursday, December 06, 2007


The kittens are no longer little and cute. Now they are bigger, but still cute! Here are some photos I took today.

Snuggled down in the grass. They do have a warm place to sleep in the garage.
Jade in the back, Tom the tabby, older brother, and Peachy

What do you want asks Peachy

I'm trying to sleep here

Did you want something asks Huck

While Tom sleeps in the water box

Big brother takes good care of them

Now Jade wonders what is going on

I do have a nice profile, don't I?

Also, yesterday I went to Disneyland for the afternoon and evening. Wanted to see the Christmas decorations, the new overlay on the castle, the parade and the fireworks. I took some photos and did a trip report on MiceChat which can be accessed here.

Here are a couple of photos

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